Saturday, January 31, 2009


This week I did alot of reading about city and university guidelines. I read through the UNCG Design and Construction Guidelines. Also, through the UNCG Signage Guidelines. I feel this will help gain information for the site analysis group. It will also help implement guidelines for the overall design and potential construction of our site on West Lee Street. I met with the Programming group to go over which guidelines are relevant. We structured the guidelines, so they will become part of the overall class programming document.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Median Analysis

As part of the site analysis group we chose to do a study on different types of medians. Each member of our group selected a median that we felt inspired us for new ideas to change Lee Street. We believe that by changing the road as West Lee Street becomes part of the UNCG campus, would be beneficial. I have photographed a round-about at the end of Spring Garden Street, in downtown Greensboro. I believe that adding something of this nature to West Lee street would slow down traffic and make drivers more aware of their surroundings and pedestrian crossings.

Campus Analysis

As part of the Site Analysis group we chose to do a study on the UNCG campus. We photographed each of the existing entrances on all sides of the campus. Pictured above is one of the main entrances leading into campus. This entrance is located at the intersection of Spring Garden Street and Aycock Street. This entrance seemed very inviting to vehicles passing by, or commuters coming into campus. Large side walks provide plenty of room for pedestrians to enter campus, or exit on to the continuing cross walks.

The second entrance shown is at the intersection of Spring Garden Street and Tate Street. This entrance provides a welcoming feel by displaying the name of our university, highlighted by vegetation. The median in the center of the street also encourages cars to slow down as they enter campus. The change from pavement to brick on the road, indicates where pedestrians can safely walk.

The campus analysis was done to provide different ideas for future landmarks or signage, that could potentially be part of the Lee Street Studios or the future West Lee Street part of campus.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Site Analysis

This is a view of the West Lee Street site from birds-eye view. This was the condition of our site in 1971. Looking straight into this image you can see the front facades of several of buildings on Lee Street. The image indicates that our site has not changed much in the past 30 years.